Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Evolution of the Closet

The closet...
For many women the most important room in the house.
A closet can sell a house.
A closet can be the basis of many arguments between a man and a woman.
A closet can be a stressful disorganized mess.


A closet can be a place of peace, organization, and convenience...
If it takes up an entire room!

When Ray and I moved into a house together I gave up my 10 foot long closet at my parents house.  It was glorious.  It had customized shelves and four doors.  It had no trouble holding all of my clothes and shoes.
Our new house's closets are not that glorious. But it does have four bedrooms! So I thought, why not create a CLOSET ROOM!

It started by one trip to Home Depot to buy a 6 foot closet rod and hangers. I mounted this on one of the long walls.

In the actual closet of the room I added some shoe racks from target.  All of my shoes didn't fit so I attached a hanging shoe rack to the end of the closet rod.

On a small wall I mounted a mirror and framed it by two small shelves.  This is where I keep my make up and hair products.  This way I don't have to take up the bathroom in the morning. 
(This is the real reason I won over Ray with the closet room idea.)

I also had to add our guest bed in this room since we were doing some construction in one of the other bedrooms.  This room went through a couple more changes.  I eventually moved the bed into another room and replaced it with a pull out couch.  Then I decided to move then entire closet room to another room.  
Ray loves how much I re arrange our house... NOT!

The house we live in was Ray's Grandma's house.  In her elder years she was un able to go to the basement to do her laundry.  Ray's dad moved laundry hook ups upstairs into one of the bedrooms.  At first I thought this was odd and didn't like the hook ups in the middle of our wall but then one day it hit me...

I have awesome parents and grandparents and they were able to get us a new washer and dryer for Christmas.  While waiting for the appliances to arrive I went to work on moving! 
After relocating the 6 foot closet rod and adding an additional 3 foot rod below I decided I didn't like that all of the furniture was mis matched. So I grabbed some purple spray paint and went to work. I also added a new armoire. See how I made it here.
I created a custom shoe rack for the closet to hold all of my shoes.  Check out the How-To here!

Here is the finished result: 

I also made a little spot for my cat, Muca. 

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